What Should I do if Charged with Larceny?

If you are charged with larceny, you should immediately attempt to contact a criminal defense lawyer. A lawyer can help protect your rights in the criminal justice system. While you should be polite and non-combative with the police, if you are in a country that grants you the right of silence, you should refrain from discussing the case with law enforcement. It is also a good idea to keep records of your communications with the police as well as any paperwork you receive during the process of being charged with larceny. Finally, you should collect any information that might help your case, including names of potential witnesses or documents that can provide an alibi, as your attorney will want to examine these to determine how useful they will be in establishing your defense.

Although being charged with any crime is an extremely upsetting experience, it is important that you stay calm during this situation so as not to exacerbate it. Getting legal counsel should be your first priority, as your lawyer can help give you a realistic understanding of the situation and ensure that you do not unwittingly give up any of your rights after you are charged with larceny. If you are already in jail, your lawyer may be able to assist you with getting your bail reduced or even allowing you to be released on your own recognizance. If you do not yet have a lawyer, consider whether you can pay your bail on your own, post a bond, or ask your family for help. Continue to not discuss your case with law enforcement or even people you know in order to avoid accidentally incriminating yourself.

If you cannot afford a lawyer, you can ask the court to appoint you a public defender. Depending on your case, you may also be able to get legal assistance from a legal aid service. Your lawyer will want to talk to you about your case and will need you to give him as much information as you can that can help with your defense. When you are initially charged with larceny, you should be given some type of court papers that may detail the case against you. Make sure your attorney has these papers along with any contact information for witnesses. Be sure to be honest with your lawyer, as it can be much more difficult to defend you if it is later found out that you are lying about something.