How Effective is Hypnosis for a Fear of Flying?

If performed by a properly trained therapist, hypnosis for a fear of flying can be a highly effective way of treating and overcoming a fear of flying. Certain studies have shown hypnosis to have a higher success rate than behavior therapy and psychoanalysis, and hypnosis has been recognized by various professional organizations including the British Medical Association and the American Psychiatric Association. Overcoming a fear of flying often involves identifying and treating additional related fears that make it difficult or impossible for the nervous passenger to fly. A person who is afraid to fly might want to work with a licensed hypnotherapist, try self-hypnosis for a fear of flying, or use a combination of both methods. Many therapists will recommend additional exercises and possibly even medication to help with treating a fear of flying.

Oftentimes, overcoming a fear of flying means pinpointing and overcoming the true root of the fear. For example, many people who claim to have a fear of flying actually have a fear the plane will crash. Some are more afraid of the lack of control they have as airplane passengers. Others are more affected by claustrophobia, which is exacerbated once they’re inside the enclosed airplane. Therefore, hypnosis for a fear of flying often deals with treating additional related fears.

A person interested in trying hypnosis for treating a fear of flying might approach hypnosis in one of two ways. He might consider hypnotherapy with a licensed hypnotherapist or even a neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) practitioner, or he might consider self-hypnosis. Methods for self-hypnosis are abundant, especially on the Internet where audio and visual downloads are plentiful. Given the often multi-faceted reasons for having a fear of flying, the person might choose to meet with a therapist who specializes in hypnosis for a fear of flying first. After he learns the basics, he might feel comfortable enough to try self-hypnosis.

In addition to hypnotherapy, therapists might recommend additional methods for treating a fear of flying. For example, the therapist might suggest meeting the pilot and crew and touring a cockpit. Also, it might help the nervous passenger to book flights on larger planes, request a seat in the area he feels will be most comfortable, and bring reading material and music to soothe and distract himself. Many therapists might recommend getting plenty of sleep and paying attention to proper nutrition and exercise during the days leading up to the flight. Some might also prescribe anti-anxiety medications for flight days.