How do I Treat Gum Recession?

Gum recession can be treated several ways, depending on the root of the problem. In the worst cases, surgical intervention may be necessary. In some cases, more conservative treatments, such as practicing better dental hygiene, may also treat receding gums. In addition, some people affected by receding gums may prefer to use one of several natural remedies, such as bee propolis or homemade mouthwashes.

One of the main causes of gum recession is a hereditary condition wherein the gum tissue is weak or thin. In those cases, the gums slowly recede, causing the person to feel sensitivity and pain. Since the recession is not caused by anything in particular, other than genetics, there are few ways to treat this kind of recession; periodontal surgery is one of the only main forms of treatment.

Periodontal surgery is performed to make the gums thicker. It will often stop the gums from receding further and even cover up areas where the gums have receded so far as to expose the root. There are two main ways to perform surgery for receding gums. First, the skin can be grafted from the roof of the mouth to the gum. In the alternative, skin can be grafted from other places on the gums, particularly in areas where the gum tissue is thick.

Another cause of receding gums is an infection from bacteria due to poor hygiene. In some cases, treatment for this form of recession can be accomplished by cleaning out the bacteria underneath the gums and then using antibiotics to treat any additional bacterial infection. In some particularly bad cases, periodontal surgery may be performed. In this case, the surgery serves to alleviate the diseased areas of the gums.

Occasionally, gum recession is caused by dental trauma, such as rough brushing with a hard bristled tooth brush. In that case, treatment can be as simple as brushing teeth less vigorously. In addition, brushing in a circular motion, using only the wrist, may help prevent further recession. Flossing and using a mouthwash designed for receding gums may also help treat the condition and stop its spread.

There are several homeopathic remedies that are used to treat receding gums as well. For example, bee propolis is thought to stop the condition from becoming worse. Bee propolis can be applied as a gel directly to the gums, or it can be added to water as a form of mouthwash. In addition, some people believe that rinsing out the mouth with a one-percent hydrogen peroxide solution will treat the recession. Other people claim that consuming 1,000 mg of vitamin C and 250 mg of vitamin B3 each day will treat the condition.