What Is Orphenadrine Citrate?

Orphenadrine citrate is a generic skeletal muscle relaxant that is prescribed to alleviate pain and cramping resulting from injuries, such as sprains, muscle strains, or spasms. This medication works by relaxing tight muscles. Orphenadrine citrate is not intended to be the sole course of treatment; patients should also rest the injured muscles and they may require physical therapy.

This medication is only available as an injection. Usually, a health care professional will administer it, rather than having the patient administer it at home. It may be injected into a muscle or vein. If administered into a vein, it should be injected over the course of at least five minutes. The patient should be lying down throughout the injection and for 10 minutes afterward to help prevent dizziness.

Some side effects may occur with the use of orphenadrine citrate, which should be reported to the doctor if they become severe. These can include vision changes, including blurred vision, as well as dizziness, lightheadedness, and drowsiness. Stomach upset, headache, and dry mouth may also occur. Constipation, vomiting, and difficulty urinating have also been reported.

More serious side effects may require immediate medical attention. These can include allergic reactions, which can be indicated by severe dizziness, difficulty breathing, and facial swelling. Other serious side effects can include hallucinations, anxiety, and confusion, as well as other mood or mental changes. Uncontrollable shaking, fainting, and a rapid or irregular heartbeat have also been reported. Orphenadrine citrate may also cause eye pain.

Special precautions should be taken while using orphenadrine citrate for muscle pain. The consumption of alcohol should be avoided, because it can worsen certain side effects. Patients planning to undergo surgery, including dental surgery, must inform the dentist or surgeon that they have used this drug recently. Those who are elderly may be more susceptible to developing side effects.

Before using orphenadrine citrate, patients must disclose their other medical conditions. As of 2011, it is unknown whether this drug may pass into breast milk. Women who are pregnant should avoid this injection. It may also be contraindicated for use by those who have an enlarged prostate, myasthenia gravis, and glaucoma or increased intraocular pressure. Any blockages in the digestive tract, bladder problems, or heart disease may also preclude a patient from using it.
Orphenadrine citrate may interact with other medications. Patients should disclose all other medicines and supplements they take, including sleeping pills, sedatives, and antidepressants. Medications intended to treat colds or allergies, narcotic pain relievers, and other muscle relaxants can also interact with it.