What are Some Home Remedies for Urinary Incontinence?

Urinary incontinence is a condition that strikes a number of persons, not just older people. While the condition can be a source of embarrassment and may eventually cause the individual to curtail his or her social life, there are a number of things that can be done to minimize and possibly even reverse the condition. Home remedies for urinary incontinence, including losing weight, exercising the muscles involved, and taking certain herbs, have been used for a long time, and they may hold the key to correcting the problem for some individuals.

In days gone buy, urinary incontinence was sometimes referred to as “slippage.” The problem would often appear after a man or woman had gained a significant amount of weight. The extra poundage around the middle would put additional pressure on the bladder and, in turn, the pelvic muscles that may be weaker due to lack of regular exercise would not be able to provide adequate support. The result was a sudden sense of needing to urinate, followed by the uncontrolled flow of urine. A combination of losing weight and walking for 30 minutes in the evenings to tone the midsection and strengthen the pelvic muscles could help relieve this problem.

For women who experience incontinence after childbirth or men who have the problem after prostate surgery, home remedies may involve strengthening of the pelvic muscles by performing kegel exercises. Kegels can be performed in any setting, without anyone being aware of what is happening. Focusing on the muscles that both men and women use to start and stop the flow of urine, the person should squeeze those muscles together tightly, hold for a count of ten, and then release. He or she can repeat the process, gradually working up to 50 repetitions. A round of kegels can be done while sitting at a desk at work or while watching television at home. Since the squeezing and releasing is being done under the clothing, no one has to know. Performing several rounds of 50 kegels per day will often yield good results in only a few months.

Devil’s claw is an herb that is meant to help strengthen the bladder, making it easier to retain urine until voluntary release. Parsley, St. John’s Wart, and skullcap are all supposed to have properties that help to ease nervous tension, which may be a root cause of the incontinence. Dandelion is understood by herbalists to strengthen the kidneys, helping them to function more efficiently. Herbal combinations have served as home remedies for urinary incontinence in a number of cultures, and still play a prominent role in a number of countries around the world.

Home remedies for urinary incontinence may alleviate the problem, but it is important for patients to try them with the knowledge and consent of a qualified medical professional, in order to avoid potential problems. For example, some herbs may interfere with any prescription medication the individual is currently taking. A healthcare professional will be able to determine if the herbs under consideration have any properties that would create an adverse effect for the patient.