What are the Different Types of Wound Ointment?

There are several products available on the market specifically formulated to care for injuries to the skin. These are designed to treat wounds and prevent infection. Some treatments that come in the form of wound ointment include antibacterial creams made to fight infection or decrease pain. A pain-relieving wound ointment might otherwise be called an analgesic ointment. Vitamin-enriched creams are another popular choice.

Wound treatment will typically begin by cleaning the area with soapy water to flush out dirt, debris and germs. In many cases, when applying a sterile bandage is not sufficient, the individual may wish to apply ointment to the injury site. This is used to help in speeding up the process of wound healing. A type of cream or ointment containing anti-bacterial properties works to kill germs on the surface of the skin, thus preventing bacteria from entering the body and circulating through the bloodstream.

A popular method of wound care might come in the form of homemade ointment, creams, or natural ointment products. These might include herbal remedies in a mixture that is applied directly to the skin. Homeopathic ointment treatments are favored by individuals who prefer having control over what ingredients are being used in their preparations. Homemade salves and creams can be formulated by mixing oils and herbs together.

To treat a burn, there are wound ointment options available for purchase at most pharmacies and stores. In most cases, a burn ointment will be packaged in a small tube or occasionally in a jar. These will typically incorporate an antibacterial ingredient as well.

It is not uncommon to find a healing ointment that contains a vitamin-enriched foundation as its key ingredients. Vitamin E as well as vitamins A and D are sometimes used in a cream-base solution. They are generally formulated in ointment form to promote natural skin healing from scrapes, cuts and burns. Zinc ointments are another option that can be found as a wound ointment treatment.

There are other types of ointments or creams that are typically applied to wounds which might not be as commonly used, although they are still considered effective. One such product might contain aloe vera extract. Alternately, if the individual does not wish to apply aloe in a cream-based product, it can be found in health stores in gel form. Other wound ointments are those that are cortisone-based. Cortisone is an ingredient said to help decrease inflammation, although some reports have stated it might also help to prevent infection.