How do I Treat Facial Scars?

Facial scars can be caused by acne or injury to the face, and can be very noticeable. Unfortunately, they are also quite difficult to get rid of. There are a few different ways to treat facial scars, but in many cases, it will take a long time to even begin to reduce the appearance of the scar, and it may never fade completely.

A dermatologist may be able to treat some facial scars through laser treatments or chemical peels. These can be the most effective treatments for scars, but they are also the most expensive. At-home scar treatment tends to be much less expensive, and can often have excellent results.

There are many at-home scar creams to try. These may be applied to the scar once or twice a day, depending on the directions, and are intended to decrease redness and flatten the scars to make them better able to blend in with the skin. If you would rather not try a designated scar cream for facial scars, other, less expensive creams may help as well.

Creams containing shea butter or cocoa butter are often recommended for the treatment of facial scars. In addition to these, some people find success by applying lavender oil, aloe vera gel, tea tree oil, calendula oil, olive oil, or even lemon juice directly on to the scar. These creams and oils also work to soften the skin. Keep in mind that these treatments will likely take quite a while to be effective, and it is necessary to be persistent and make it part of your everyday routine.

Microdermabrasion can help minimize the appearance of scars by removing the top layer of skin and encouraging new, healthy skin to grow. Though there are home kits for microdermabrasion, the best results can generally be achieved by a dermatologist or a technician at a spa. Finally, bleaching or lightening creams containing hydroquinone are often effective at lightening age spots that appear on the face, but it is important to only apply the cream directly to the age spot to avoid lightening the surrounding skin.

To prevent facial scars from becoming any worse, it is important to always put sunscreen on the scars before going outside. Sunscreen should be applied to the entire face, but scars are particularly sensitive to burns. Take care to treat acne when it occurs, and prevent scars by using moisturizers and face washes that contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.