How do I Treat Chronic Constipation?

Chronic constipation can be caused by diet, pregnancy, prescription medicines, irritable bowel syndrome, stress, or travel. Severe constipation is a problem that can interfere with a person’s health and general sense of well-being. Despite this fact, several ways exist in order to combat chronic constipation. By incorporating natural remedies or prescription medication, severe constipation can be alleviated.

One way to overcome chronic constipation is through the use of natural products. Adding more fiber to the diet can bring much needed relief to those who suffer from constipation. Fiber exists in fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and legumes.

Fiber can even be found in the form of shrimp, lobster, and crab. Adding more fiber to the diet can serve as a natural laxative, easing chronic constipation in many people. Women should strive to consume at least 21 grams (0.74 oz.) of fiber on a daily basis while men do well to consume at least 30 grams (1.1 oz.) each day.

A second way to ease severe constipation is to drink more water. Water acts as a lubricant for food and the intestines. By drinking more water, the body’s stool softens and moves more easily through the body. It’s important to speak with a physician to determine how much water is sufficient for each person’s specific needs.

Making exercise a regular part of life is another good way to relieve chronic constipation. Physical exercise is beneficial because it lessens the amount of time food needs to pass through the large intestine. In turn, this decreases the quantity of water that the body absorbs. The stools become softer, making it easier to pass them through the body.

Another way to alleviate chronic constipation is to try to use the bathroom at the same time each morning. Bowel movements are easier to accomplish in the morning. Going to the bathroom after each meal can also help constipation, as the body is geared toward having a bowel movement immediately after consuming food.

If natural remedies do not help to cure chronic constipation, some people opt for over-the-counter laxatives that can make them have more regular bowel movements. When natural remedies and over-the-counter laxatives fail, it’s important to make an appointment with the doctor in order find a prescription solution for the problem. Prescription medicines can help patients with severe constipation, but patients must keep in mind that such medicines may produce unpleasant side effects. Diarrhea, nausea, gas, and stomach cramps are just a few of the side effects that patients may experience.