How do I Reduce Anavar Side Effects?

Not all side effects of the anabolic steroid Anavar are avoidable, but patients are often able to minimize the discomfort they experience by following the dosage instructions exactly, which often involves paying really close attention to when the drug is taken each day and how many hours elapse in between. You should also think about what you’re eating. Certain foods, particularly those like citrus fruits that naturally contain a lot of acid, can make this drug’s side effects even worse. Of course, it’s also usually a good idea to talk to your healthcare provider about tips that you personally can take. Your provider will know more about your individual health, as well as other drugs you’re taking that might be making things worse. It’s not usually a good idea to stop taking Anavar, no matter how bad things get, without first talking to the person who prescribed it for you.

Most Common Problems

Anavar stimulates muscle growth, and is most commonly prescribed for people who are having trouble keeping on weight or building muscle mass. While the steroid has been found to be highly effective, it does have a number of side effects, including some serious ones. Some of the most common include excessive weight gain, impairments in liver function, and decreased testosterone production. Incontinence and overactive bladder may also result, and some people experience a decrease in their sexual drive, trouble sleeping, and digestive problems like diarrhea.

Importance of Dosing Instructions

One of the easiest and most important things you can do to reduce the severity of these side effects is to follow the dosing instructions precisely. In most cases, the drug is recommended in dosages ranging from 10 to 20 milligrams per day. While it may be prescribed in dosages above 20 milligrams, health care professionals typically advise against taking this amount for more than a day or two at a time. If you’re concerned about the strength of your prescription it’s usually a good idea to talk with a health care professional.

Along these same lines, you should never take Anvar that’s been prescribed for someone else, even if you’ve taken this drug before. Not only is this illegal in many places, it can also lead to an intensification of negative effects. Your body may not be ready for the drug, and it may be at a dosage level that isn’t appropriate for your health.

Timing Concerns

Another way to reduce Anavar side effects involves taking the medication at the same time each day. While the specific time that the medication is taken usually doesn’t matter, consistency can be important when it comes to making sure that you don’t miss doses. Sticking to a schedule can also help regulate the concentration of the active drug in your system at any given time. Taking daily doses close to each other — or significantly less than 24 hours apart — can dramatically increase the amount of the drug that’s in your body, and this can intensify some of the negative effects.

Avoid or Reduce Acids
Paying attention to the foods you eat while on this drug might also make a difference. In general, most healthcare professionals advise patients to avoid highly acidic foods, at least within an hour or so of taking the medication. Grapefruit juice or other acidic juices are good examples, and they can make Anavar side effects worse.
Taking Anavar on an empty stomach isn’t usually good idea, either, as this can cause nausea or gastrointestinal distress. In most cases, a small glass or apple juice, milk, or even a few crackers is enough to reduce these symptoms.
Ask for Guidance
Working with your health care professional and asking questions when you have them is another important piece in the prevention of negative side effects. Your medical provider should consider your health history as well as any other medications that you may be taking. Paying attention to how drugs interact is very important when it comes to avoiding negative and even fatal side effects.