How do I get Rid of External Hemorrhoids?

External hemorrhoids are basically swollen blood vessels on and around the anus that may cause pain, itching, and bleeding. Fortunately, there are several ways to help get rid of external hemorrhoids. Home treatments such as sitz baths or the use of medicated creams or ointments can often help to reduce the size of the hemorrhoids. Increasing fluid intake and eating a high-fiber diet often helps to prevent their recurrence. In the more severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary in order to remove them completely.

A sitz bath can be soothing as well as beneficial in the effort to get rid of external hemorrhoids. This is a specialized basin designed to fit on the toilet. It is filled with either warm or cool water, depending on individual preferences, and the patient sits on it for 15 to 20 minutes in order to relieve symptoms and to help shrink the hemorrhoids. This process may be repeated several times per day as desired.

Over-the-counter creams and ointments can help get rid of external hemorrhoids as well as ease some of the uncomfortable symptoms associated with this condition. Medicated pads or witch hazel may be used on the affected area following bowel movements to soothe pain and itching. Dietary changes are frequently recommended, since eating more fiber and drinking more liquids can often keep the bowels functioning normally. This may prevent the straining during bowel movements that may cause the development of hemorrhoids as well as increase the uncomfortable symptoms of those that already exist.

In some cases, medical intervention may be needed in order to get rid of external hemorrhoids. Laser treatments are popular because no stitches are required, making the recovery period much shorter. The potential disadvantage to this type of procedure is that it is often necessary to repeat the procedure multiple times in order to completely get rid of the hemorrhoids.

A hemorrhoidectomy is a more invasive surgical procedure used to remove external hemorrhoids. The patient will usually have to spend several days in the hospital, and there may be considerable pain or discomfort resulting from this type of procedure. In many cases, a person who has this type of surgery will need to miss several days or weeks of work while recovering.