What is a Good Christmas Gift for Women?

Giving a gift at Christmas is a perfect opportunity to express your feelings. Those feelings can range from the appreciation of an able coworker, to the joy of having a trusted friend, to the undying love of a partner or spouse. Once you know the depth of your feelings, you can make a decision on what will make a good Christmas gift for all the women in your life.

A few personal considerations come into play when deciding what to give as good Christmas gifts for women. What is your relationship with the woman? How much will your budget allow? What is the personal style of this woman? Once you have decided on the answers, it will be easier to find that special gift idea.

For young women who are friends, relatives, or neighbors: If you are a close friend, it’s likely that you will already know what they are “into.” They may be hoping for the latest CD of their favorite recording artist – or they may be pining away for the latest fashion accessory. If you are a relative who doesn’t see them frequently, it may be wisest to choose a gift certificate for a national chain store. A tip: tuck in a personal item such as bath soaps, coin purse or stationery.

For personal friends: A friend knows what makes their friend smile. Knowing your friend’s needs and wants makes it easy to find the perfect Christmas gift. Your friend has already shared her interests with you; choose a gift related to her favorite pastime or hobby and you can’t go wrong. Customizing a scrapbook or photograph album complete with mementos of your times together, buying that snuggly sweater she has long admired, or picking up the latest title by her favorite author – personally inscribed, of course – are all simple but loving gifts.

For business associates: Never buy an overly personal Christmas gift for a coworker. If you know them well enough to be aware of some of their personal tastes, you can give them a gift such as a knit scarf that will keep them toasty on the way to the office or a pair of cozy slippers to put on after a hard day. But if you don’t know them very well, it is best to choose a work-related gift. You’ll find many items along those lines, from a quality pen, a picture frame for her desk, or a clever travel kit for those out-of-town business trips.

For mature women: It’s likely that a more mature woman will already own a wide assortment of clothing and household items. Because their tastes are pretty well defined, it is best to steer clear of buying a Christmas gift that will gather dust on the shelf, or worse yet, be returned. A planned outing together can be a wonderful way to show you care; buy theater tickets or a restaurant gift certificate and set the date for spending some quality time together. Another good idea would be to enroll her in a gift-of-the-month club. From cheeses, to fruits, to jelly beans, there are monthly clubs that offer a huge variety of types to choose from – what could be nicer than opening packages long after the holiday has passed?

For loved ones and spouses: Finding just the right romantic gift for the woman in your life requires a bit of thought. Most women hope for a personal touch that shows you have put some effort into finding a good Christmas gift. Flowers, candy, perfume, lingerie and jewelry are classics. Planning a romantic getaway weekend for two, or a voucher for a day just for her at a local spa may melt her heart – but an original love poem written in your own hand is guaranteed. If you must be practical, go for the type of gift that keeps on giving year round and that keeps you close to her heart. Some suggestions for that type of gift include: a digital camera so you can document your life together; a digital music player stocked with her favorite love songs; or a new laptop so you can send love notes back and forth.