How Do Lost Wallet Contents Influence Returns?

Lost wallet contents have been found to influence returns, with wallets that contain a photo of a baby being returned almost 90% of the time, compared with a return rate of less than 20% if there were no photographs at all. Wallets containing photographs of puppies have a return rate of more than 50%, with those containing an adult family portrait at a little less than 50%. Photographs in general are thought to make the wallet’s owner seem more relatable, which makes the finder feel less comfortable keeping it. Researchers believe that viewing a photograph of a baby especially triggers the part of the brain that is responsible for feeling empathy.

More about theft:

In 2012, Americans were estimated to have lost more than $21 billion US Dollars (USD) because of theft.
More than half of lost wallets that are returned do not contain the same amount of money they had prior to being misplaced, research suggests.
More than one-fourth of all child identity theft in the US is thought to be perpetrated by family members.