What is a Face Mold?

A face mold is a cast of person’s face. There are a number of different ways in which face molds can be used, ranging from the design of theatrical makeup to arts and crafts. Supplies for making face molds are available at many craft stores, and people can also find supplies through theatrical warehouses.
There are a number of different way to make face molds. One simple technique involves applying strips of gauze soaked in plaster of Paris to the face, and allowing the strips to harden before gently peeling the mold away. The subject usually applies lubricant to the skin first, to prevent sticking, and straws may be stuck in the nose to ensure that the subject can breathe. Molds can also be made from latex and other materials, which may be painted onto the face. People can also make molds by pressing their faces into a moldable material to create an impression.

The original casting of a face may or may not be used as a mold, depending on what it is made from. When it is used as a mold, materials being molded — like clay, silicone, or plastic — can be poured directly into the mold, allowed to harden, and then pulled out. In other cases, the face mold is used to make a more durable mold which can then be used to create replicas of the face.

In the film and television industry, special effects coordinators make face molds for the purpose of developing prosthetics which will fit an actor’s face perfectly. These prosthetics can be used to create mockups of injuries, deformities, or structures that might be seen on the face of an alien or monster. The face mold allows the designer to customize the prosthetic and confirm that it will fit.

Molds are also sometimes used in the medical community for various purposes. People with bad facial burns, for example, may wear a plastic mask which is designed to protect the burns and reduce scarring, and this mask must be perfectly fitted with the assistance of a face mold. Likewise, a mold can be taken of a face with a challenging injury or deformity so that a surgeon has a real life model to examine when planning a surgery.

Crafters can also utilize the face mold to make masks and other works of art based on the human face. People may also create scaled-down molds to make faces for dolls and other figurines, or for things like making cakes and other desserts in the shape of a person’s face.