What Are the Different Types of Mini Spy Cameras?

Mini spy cameras have features that vary almost as much as regular cameras. Video, motion activation, and time lapse photography are available. Many spy cameras are sold as part of another object, such as a clock or a book to easily blend into a home. Other mini spy cameras are sold built into an object such as a hat or watch that a person can operate while carrying on his person. In addition, these cameras are often available in a raw state like a pinhole or bullet camera.

In most cases, mini spy cameras are integrated into harmless-looking everyday objects found around a house. The general idea is that someone snooping or stealing will not think there might be a camera in one of these objects. Sometimes people trying to choose an object to be used for this purpose choose the object based on how easily it blends into the environment they want to place it. For instance, an analog wall clock with a built-in mini spy camera can be conveniently placed on a wall and not look out of place. In addition, alarm clocks and wall hooks are also used for this purpose.

Some mini spy cameras can be set to activate and record or take a picture when they detect motion. This can be an integral feature for cameras designed to operate unmanned. These cameras are usually concealed within an object such as a clock, or simply hidden in the room.

Many different types of mini spy cameras are meant to be carried by a person and operated manually. These spy cameras can vary considerably on cost because the individual features of a given camera can vary as much as the features of normal cameras. One of these cameras might be a color video camera that includes excellent sound quality, while another might be a simple snapshot camera. Often, these types of mini spy cameras are integrated into a wearable item such as a necktie, baseball cap, or wristwatch. Other times, a mini spy camera may be integrated into a small hand-held device that is not suspicious to handle, such as a vehicle remote dongle or a cigarette lighter.

Some mini spy cameras are referred to as pinhole or bullet cameras. These cameras are not necessarily designed to be carried about a person or concealed. Often, they can be used for either purpose though.