What is Involved in ATM Installation?

ATM installation can be costly and slightly difficult, though the payout for many businesses is worth it. A large portion of the surcharge recovered at ATM machines goes directly to the merchant owning or renting it, making it a relatively easy way to earn income. ATM installation involves either renting or buying an ATM, securing the ATM at its location, installing security around the ATM and inputting the several different codes needed for it to run. After this, applying decals, testing the machine and training the merchant on ATM maintenance is all that is left to do.

ATMs can be either purchased or leased, though many small businesses choose to lease an ATM for cost purposes. There are numerous retailers offering ATMs to small businesses, some of which include ATM installation and maintenance in their fee. Whether buying or leasing, this machine can be a hefty investment, so shopping around is highly advisable.

ATM installation begins with locating a site for the machine and securing it to the location. ATMs need to be in close proximity to both phone and power outlets and are best installed in a well-ventilated area, preferably with air conditioning, to help the machine run at its best. Once a location is chosen, the machine is bolted to the ground using 16,000-pound (7,257 kg) bolts. This makes the machine nearly impossible to steal.

One of the most important parts of ATM installation is security. Outside of bolting the machine to the ground, it is also important to install security cameras that directly face the machine. While most current ATMs have a built-in camera, it is best to have different vantage points to ensure anyone attempting to steal from or tamper with the machine is caught on tape.

The final stage of ATM installation is inputting the machine’s codes. First, the password needs to be changed from the default password to the password chosen by the merchant. Then the ID and communication phone number needs to be added, including the backup phone number. This ensures that the machine will be able to communicate with the banking system. Finally, the encryption code provided by the bank that is servicing the machine needs to be entered into the ATM.

Once the welcome screen appears, the ATM installation specialist can test the machine with a bank card, first by entering an invalid PIN to ensure the machine’s codes are working properly, and then by doing a balance inquiry that shows whether the machine is communicating with the bank. After it is determined that the ATM installation is complete, decal stickers can be applied. These stickers are found on almost every machine and typically show what fees are associated with use, which bank runs the machine and which cards it accepts.
Proper ATM installation ends with training the new owner or renter of the machine on ATM maintenance. This includes how to stock money and install receipt paper, among other things. ATM installation, while time consuming, is worth it for many business owners. While some may think they should or can install the ATM themselves, this job is best left to a professional to ensure proper security and function.