What is an Analog to Digital Converter?

An analog to digital converter, also referred to as an ADC or an analog signal converter, is used to turn analog signals into digital signals without changing the essential message of the underlying data. For example, voices work on analog signals, and computers are typically designed using digital technology. If a voice is recorded on a computer, an analog to digital converter device is required in order for the computer to understand the voice. Usually, analog to digital converters are operated by electricity, although some of these gadgets may be non-electronic or only partially electronic.

Analog and digital signals operate differently from each other. Analog signals are used when creating, storing, or transmitting data of varying frequency. In general, analog technology works by deliberately varying the strength or amplitude of a signal. Analog technology translates audio sounds, such as the human voice, into electronic pulses. Telephone, radio and television are some examples of industries that have traditionally used analog technology.

Digital signals, on the other hand, are associated with a type of technology that creates, maintains, and transmits data in positive or negative states. The number zero represents a non-positive state while the number one indicates a positive state. When digital data is transmitted or stored, the action is expressed as a binary string of ones and zeros. Digital technology is often used for newer types of media, like HDTV, direct broadcast satellites, or fiber optic transmissions. Devices based on digital technology usually have less unwanted noise, and they allow users to easily store large amounts of data.

An analog to digital converter can be essential when working with multiple pieces of electronic equipment that operate on different technologies. For example, connecting a computer and a phone line may require an analog to digital converter. Telephones usually operate using analog signals, and computers are digitally-based. A digital computer cannot make sense of analog phone signals until those signals are converted into digital form, using an analog to digital converter. These types of converters are often called modems.

A digital to analog converter or DAC is the opposite of an analog to digital converter. Digital to analog converters work by converting digital signals into analog signals, and they are required whenever a digital signal must be changed to an analog signal. For instance, compact discs (CDs) are typically digital. When a CD is played, the CD player reads the digital information on the disc and then converts it into analog signals. As a result, the CD can be heard.