What Are the Different Types of Multimedia Technology?

There are many different types of multimedia technology, though these various forms often consist of either hardware or software. Hardware for use in multimedia typically consists of either input or output devices, which are used to create multimedia or to display or present multimedia that has been created. Software used in multimedia is typically utilized to create multimedia, and this can include anything from programs used to create images and audio to applications used to display or showcase a multimedia presentation. There are also pieces of multimedia technology that incorporate both aspects of hardware and software to create a more comprehensive multimedia application.

Multimedia technology typically refers to any type of technology that can be used in the creation or display of multimedia content, which usually consists of combinations of images and audio in a single application. A great deal of this technology consists of hardware used to create and display multimedia productions. Input devices are often used in creating multimedia works, including microphones, digital musical instruments, art tablets, and digital cameras. Once raw source materials are used to create multimedia products then other pieces of hardware are used to display them, including monitors and screens, projectors, speakers, and light and laser displays.

Numerous software programs can be utilized as multimedia technology, including programs used to create and display multimedia projects. Audio and picture editors are often used with raw input images or sounds to create final files that can then be put together to create a multimedia application. Video editors are also a common program used to create multimedia, and these programs are often used to composite images, audio, and video to create a final multimedia product. Some software can also be used with multimedia technology to convert between file types often used in creating multimedia presentations, which may allow such files to be shared and modified more easily between users on a multimedia project.

Software multimedia technology can also include programs that allow multimedia to be played on other viewing devices. This can include anything from viewers used on Internet websites to programs on portable devices that allow video playback through such pieces of hardware. Multimedia technology can also utilize both hardware and software to display multimedia presentations in more unique or dramatic ways. This is often seen in devices used to program displays of audio, lights, and projectors to create a timed demonstration of various pieces of media.