Which City Bikes the Most to Work?

Portland, Oregon, is the city that bikes the most to work among large US cities, with about 6.1% of the city’s residents cycling to commute. The average bicycle commuting rate for all cities in the US is less than 1%. Portland is thought to have a high biking rate because of changes that the city has made to improve safety and convenience for cyclists on its roads. Washington, DC, and Minneapolis, Minnesota, have made similar changes.

More about bicycle commuting:

Workers age 16 through 24 are the group most likely to bike to work in the US, at around 1%, and those older than 55 are the least likely, at 0.3%.
More than two times as many men ride a bike to work, in comparison with women, at 0.8% of US men cycling to work and 0.3% of women doing so.
People who earn graduate or professional degrees have the highest rates of biking to work, at about 0.9%.