What is the Constitution Party?

In the United States, the Constitution Party is a third party. It is the third largest political party nationwide in regard to the number of registered voters. The party is known for the slogan, “Forging a Rebirth of Freedom.” It is a paleo-conservative party, which means it is based on traditional conservative principles. The philosophy of the party is a return to the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and to the original intent of those who penned America’s founding documents and fought to secure the freedoms contained within them.

The Constitution Party Platform is based on restoring the country to one that was founded “under God.” The party also proposes smaller government and adherence to a strict reading of the Constitution. The party not only hopes to limit the power of the federal government but to also dismantle many existing bureaucracies which the party believes are unconstitutional. It also vows to reduce spending, balance the budget, strictly control national debt, and completely dismantle the Internal Revenue Service, replacing the current system with a “fair tax” system.

Also preferred by the Constitution Party is a change in foreign policy that would drastically reduce U.S. intervention, world policing, nation building, and foreign financial aid. The party does not believe in war unless necessary to directly defend the homeland. Within its platform, the party discusses minimizing U. S. involvement in the United Nations and in treaties that do not benefit America.

As for other hot button issues, the Constitution Party is strongly against amnesty for illegal immigrants and does not believe that children born to those in the U.S. illegally should be granted automatic citizenship. The party does not favor welfare for illegals or any other form of assistance that would impose an undue burden on taxpayers. It insists on strong borders, and would preserve English as the official language of the U.S., protecting its use for government issues including ballots.

The Constitution Party has concerns regarding far reaching governmental power and does not agree with the Patriot Act. The party is also a strong supporter of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.