What is Amexica?

The term “Amexica” is a portmanteau of “America” and “Mexico,” and it is used in a variety of ways. Many conservative American commentators use it in a pejorative way, to refer to “corruption” of the United States by Hispanic influences, while other people use it to describe an increasingly integrated and cooperative community. Because of the sometimes negative connotations associated with the term, it is a good idea to use it with caution, and to understand both meanings of the word before using it in conversation.

The United States and Mexico have had a long and sometimes tempestuous relationship, with some parts of the United States belonging to predecessors of the Mexican government at various points in history. The ongoing relationship between the two countries is also extremely complex. The debate over immigration issues has highlighted disparities between the United States and Mexico, and while both countries are signatories to a number of treaties and members of international organizations which work together to achieve common goals, they sometimes disagree on fundamental issues.

The Hispanic population of the United States is steadily climbing, due to both legal and illegal immigration, along with new generations born in the United States. The United States is already an extremely diverse nation, but the widespread integration of Hispanic communities into American society has highlighted this diversity, which some people refer to as Amexica. Especially near the Mexican border, Spanish is frequently spoken by people of diverse cultural origins, and Mexican restaurants abound, along with celebrations of Mexican society and culture.

Many people welcome the diversity and integration of Amexica, arguing that cultural cooperation makes communities stronger and more interesting. These supporters also point out that Mexican-Americans often work very hard and contribute to their communities in a variety of ways, from supporting church fundraisers to helping with community gardening projects. While increasingly diverse communities may face challenges, many people think that these challenges are outweighed by the benefits of cultural diversity.

Conservative commentators use the term “Amexica” in a very different way, to refer to the blurring of the border between the United States and Mexico. These commentators argue that Amexica is dangerous, threatening American values and culture, and they often trot out old tropes like “immigrants steal American jobs” and “immigrants are more likely to commit crimes” to support their opposition of a breaking down of the borders between the United States and Mexico. In this sense, “Amexica” is more like a pejorative epithet than a word for an increasingly blended and complex society.