What is Bond Street?

Bond Street is a famous London street that hosts some of the most upscale shopping in the city. This street is littered with boutiques offering a variety of very expensive and high quality goods, and many people view the name as being synonymous with “luxury goods.” Visitors to London often make time to stop there and admire the shops and surrounding area, which is quite fashionable with wealthy Londoners as well.

The street is named for Sir Thomas Bond, a wealthy Englishman who purchased property in the area in the late 1600s and started to develop it. By the early 1700s, Bond Street was already known for being London’s premier shopping district, and this reputation has only increased through the centuries. It is found within the district of Mayfair, a section of London that is known for high real estate prices and very fashionable living.

Technically, there is no “Bond Street” in London. It’s actually two streets — Old Bond Street and New Bond Street — which run from Piccadilly to Oxford Street. Many people use the name to refer collectively to both streets, however, since one essentially turns into the other, and one could argue that they are essentially the same street. The Northern section is New Bond Street, and it is significantly longer than Old Bond Street.

In addition to being a powerhouse for couture garments and the fashion industry, Bond Street is also famous for its associations with fine art and antiques. Many art galleries and antique firms are headquartered there, including the venerable Sotheby’s auction house. Jewelers and other artisans also have shops on the street, where it is possible to purchase custom work in addition to the objects on display.

Bond Street is extremely pedestrian friendly, as are the neighboring streets, many of which also offer shopping. For those who tire of the immediate area, the Mayfair district has a number of lovely parks, galleries, and shops, and a number of London Underground stations and buses offer access to points beyond.