What Should I Know About Costa Rica?

Bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the west and south, and the Caribbean Sea to the east, Costa Rica is a country located in Central America that is considered by many to be an ideal vacation spot. Officially known as the Republic of Costa Rica, the country has a rich cultural heritage and stable economy that continues to attract a number of people from all over the world. As one of the few examples of countries in the area with a stable government, Costa Rica can lay claim to decades of a democratic form of government that has made the country attractive to many business investors, as well as persons seeking a restful vacation.

Like many countries in Central and South America, there are a number of state agencies that supply basics of modern life to the populace. However, the governmental structure of Costa Rica allows for a great deal of autonomy for these agencies. Among the services that are centrally handled by state sponsored agencies are telecommunications, electricity, and commercial banking. While Costa Rica abolished its army in years past, the country does operate a highly trained police force that is able to maintain security for all its citizens. In many parts of Costa Rica, citizens feel perfectly free to keep their doors unlocked, owing to the degree of protection that is offered by the police force.

While the location of Costa Rica was at one time a melting pot for a number of indigenous cultures, the modern constituency of composed of just about every nationality and culture present in the world today. The result has been an eclectic blend of citizens within Costa Rica, especially in such metropolitan areas as San Jose. Costa Rican culture in general tends to be more open and tolerant of different types of lifestyles and philosophies, which has made the country all the more attractive to tourists.

Tourism is, in fact, one of the major sources of income for Costa Ricans. The rich coast along the Pacific and Mediterranean seas helps to attract vacationers from all over the world. The hospitality industry along the coast provides not only steady revenue for the citizens, but also for the government as well. One major attraction within Costa Rica is the many state protected wildlife preserves and protected forests within the country. Persons who are concerned about environmental issues find that time spent in Costa Rica is well worth the trip.

In like manner, the open attitude found in Costa Rican culture has also led to the development of adult oriented tourism within the country. With legal prostitution that is closely monitored and maintained with state sponsored health care, Costa Rica has gained a reputation of being the ideal spot to engage in adult adventures within a relatively safe environment.

With such an attractive climate, it is no wonder that one of the major issues facing Costa Rica today is that of immigration. In particular, there is an ongoing concern with the number of Nicaraguan citizens who wish to cross the border and settle in Costa Rica. While some Costa Ricans are welcoming to the influx of permanent settlement in the country, others worry that the number of immigrants will exceed the capabilities of current public services, and urge for a more controlled immigration process.