Does Hyperpigmentation Cream Work?

There isn’t an easy answer to the question of whether hyperpigmentation cream works. The degree to which it might work is usually dependent on several factors. These can include the skin condition that is being treated and its level of severity, and the ingredient/s and strength of ingredients in a hyperpigmentation cream.

For severe issues of hyperpigmentation, most creams may not be adequate. It’s recommended that people visit a dermatologist first, before deciding on treatment. A reputable doctor should be able to let people know the degree of success they may have using a hyperpigmentation cream, and they can also more accurately inform patients about potentials for side effects with various products. When needed, they can their opinion as to what treatments are most likely to be successful.

Should the doctor suggest a hyperpigmentation cream be tried, people will have several options. Some creams used are by prescription, and typically more effective, and others can be purchased over the counter. If the condition people want to treat is relatively minor, an over the counter hyperpigmentation cream could be completely adequate. More significant skin discoloration might require stronger creams and a prescription formula, or effects may not be noticed.

One of the things typically prescribed, and sometimes available over the counter in low strengths, is hydroquinone. This helps to inhibit the skin’s ability to produce melanin, and it can be very effective. It does occasionally cause a side effect, particularly in people with dark skin, resulting in black spots all over the skin. People using it should look for this potential side effect.

Hydroquinone is available by itself or with other chemicals like Kojic acid. This is another ingredient in hyperpigmentation cream worth considering. Again there are prescription and over the counter strengths, and the chemical works in similar fashion to hydroquinone. These two ingredients are usually thought the most desired, but there are others that could be tried.

Sometimes a variety of acids like salicylic or alpha hydroxy acids are recommended. These may lighten skin discolorations to a degree but they can also be irritating to sensitive skin. Various forms of retinol or tretinoin might be recommended too, though they may have less effect on impairment of melanin production. Other products contain lactic acid or are available in the patented Kinerase, which has N6-furfuryladenine.

Most times, unless otherwise indicated, doctors prescribe a hyperpigmentation cream, gel or oinment with hydroquinone and possibly other ingredients. Thus far, it is often viewed as the most effective. Getting that same degree of effect in over the counter versions isn’t always possible.

Moreover, even with daily treatment, the strongest ingredients might not be enough. Thus people interested in knowing if a product works, may have to try and see before making a judgment, which can be expensive. What is known is that many of these products can work for many people, if the condition treated falls into the scope and ability of the ingredients used. Again, getting dermatologist advice is a good way to find out which treatments could be the most successful for a particular skin condition.