How can I Create the Illusion of Fuller Lips?

You can create the illusion of fuller lips by using makeup to make the lips look larger. You will need a lip liner in a shade that is slightly darker than your natural lip color, but not too dark, and which is flattering to the skin tone; in addition, you will need foundation to match the rest of your face, and a glossy lip stick or just a simple lip gloss. It is best to avoid dark colors of lipstick if you are trying to create the illusion of fuller lips. Dark lipstick tends to make the lips look smaller.

Experts often recommend first exfoliating the lips by gently rubbing them with a toothbrush or wet washcloth. This will remove any dead skin and make the lips appear soft and smooth. Do not apply any lip balm after doing this, however. The next step to creating fuller lips is to cover the lips with foundation. It might be easiest to simply do this when you are applying foundation to the rest of the face.

Next, take the lip liner and line the lips, going slightly outside the natural lip line. Note that you should only go slightly outside the line; anything more can look cartoonish and strange. Start from the middle of the lips, and draw outward, focusing on expanding the lip line around the “cupid’s bow” part of the lip – the middle of the top and bottom lips. Make sure both sides of the mouth are even, and gently blend any edges inward. Then, taking the lip liner, fill in the rest of the lips.

Because lip liner is matte, you may now have the appearance of slightly fuller lips, but the look is not complete. You will want to add some shine to the lips to make them look natural as well as eye-catching. Adding some lip gloss to the lips is one of the best ways to create the look of fuller lips; you may choose to put lip gloss over the entire mouth, or just in the center of the top and bottom lip. For a more dramatic look, lipstick may be applied instead of lip gloss, or even a combination of the two.

These makeup tricks can help to create the illusion of fuller lips. In addition, you may choose to use plumping lip gloss. This product uses ingredients that cause slight irritation to the lips, causing them to swell and appear fuller. These have the potential to cause peeling lips, however, so makeup may be the best choice for creating this effect regularly.