How Can I End up with Fewer Unpopped Popcorn Kernels?

There are multiple ways to end up with fewer unpopped popcorn kernels, including making sure the microwave is functioning properly and changing popcorn brands. Heating the kernel too slowly is a common cause of unpopped popcorn kernels, which may be the fault of your microwave or stove. Every company evaluates the quality of its popcorn and may have different standards, so sometimes fixing the unpopped popcorn problem is as simple as changing brands. Sometimes changing the popping method can also decrease the number of unpopped kernels. If you are feeling thrifty, some people save all of their unpopped popcorn kernels and pop them again later.

Unpopped popcorn kernels can be caused by heating the kernels too slowly. To avoid this, do not stop the microwave when popping a bag of popcorn, even for just a few seconds. Also ensure the microwave is operating on the correct power percentage, such as 80 to 100 depending on the popcorn package’s instructions. An old or malfunctioning microwave may also be at fault if it can no longer heat to the correct temperatures. When popping popcorn on the stove, follow the package’s instructions carefully.

Attempting to pop popcorn a second time around is not recommended because it is a potential fire hazard. Some people have no issues repopping a bunch of kernels, however. To minimize the risk, it is best to clean off all the popcorn’s oils with water and then let the kernels dry. Place the kernels in a brown lunch bag and fold it closed. Heat the bag in the microwave for about one minute, using no oil. Most popcorn bags advise against repopping, though, and you can save time by simply switching to a better popcorn brand.

You can change your method of popping popcorn. If the microwave does not work, try using a different kind of popcorn to cook on the stove. There are a lot of different popcorn popping techniques, some of which work better than others.

If all else fails, buy a different brand of popcorn. The quality of the popcorn used factors into how well it pops, and some of the cheaper brands have been found to leave nearly 50 percent of kernels unpopped after following the package’s instructions. In addition, most popcorn kernels have been harvested then dried because fresh popcorn does not pop well. If the popcorn is over-dried, however, this too will cause it not to pop. Consistently getting a large amount of unpopped popcorn kernels might indicate that the company’s standards are not as high as others.