How can I Improve my English?

There are many things that you can do to improve your English. Which ones are best for you will depend on things such as your current English skills, where you live and whether English is your first language. You can take English classes in many parts of the world, and there are many other learning tools — such as audio and video recordings, computer programs and books — that you can purchase or even find for free. One of the best things to do, however, is to read, write and speak English as much as possible. The more you practice the language, the more likely you are to improve your English.

Take a Class

First, decide whether you want to enroll in an English class. These classes are available through schools or community education programs in many parts of the world. No matter where the class is offered, it is best if it is taught by a person whose first language is English. Some courses might focus on reading, writing or speaking, but others will teach students in all three areas.

Use English Daily

If you are living in an English-speaking country, you have many chances to improve your English outside of class. For example, if you have children who are learning English at school, you can improve your English by talking to them in the language and helping them with their English homework. It also can be helpful to use English in public, such as in conversations with people at the grocery store, on the bus or around your neighborhood.

Use Learning Tools

There are many products that you can use to improve your English, including tutorial books, recordings and computer programs. If you cannot afford to purchase these, you might be able to borrow them from your local library or find free versions that you can download over the Internet. One advantage of these is that they allow you to learn at your own pace and on your own schedule.

Watch Movies with Subtitles

If English is not your first language, consider watching movies that are in English, with subtitles in your native language. Another option is to watch movies in your native language, with English subtitles. Either of these methods will help you associate the English words and phrases with the corresponding words and phrases in your native language.

Keep Reading
As you become more comfortable reading English, be sure to read things other than instructional materials. For example, reading books and news in English can really help you improve your English. It can be beneficial to choose topics in which you are especially interested, which not only will increase your motivation to read, you also will be more familiar with the subject and might be able to understand the material better.
One Word at a Time
If you want to improve your English vocabulary, it can be helpful to focus on learning a few new words at a time. For example, you could learn one new word every few days and look for opportunities to use them in conversation. Another approach is to learn two or three new words each week and spend the entire week trying to use them when appropriate. You also could look and listen for words that you don’t know, write them down, then look up their meanings later.