How can I Increase Self-Confidence?

You can increase self-confidence by being able to accept your flaws and learn from your mistakes. Sometimes, we can be too hard on ourselves and let other people’s opinions get us down. The thing to remember when trying to increase self-confidence is that no one is perfect and you are doing the best you can with what you have.
A lack of self-confidence can stem from a failure or sore point in our lives that we can’t seem to overcome. But, really even those people who seem practically perfect are really not perfect. We all have regrets or things we wish we would have done better even if we don’t let anyone know that. Some people are also quick to point the finger at others about faults or mistakes and this can lead to low self-esteem in some individuals.

Hopefully, we can realize that mistakes and faults are part of the human condition and that we can’t change the past, but we can change what we do from the next minute on. This idea of learning from the past and moving on may be a helpful concept to increase self-confidence because guilt about what we did in the past or how we handled something can make us feel less than confident about our abilities or our place in the world.

When we stop to realize when we handle something well, this can increase self-confidence. Are we doing the best we can in our situation? What other options can we choose? The more we learn to forgive our selves for past errors and think about present and future situations, the less guilt and self-loathing we tend to feel.

A great way to start to increase self-confidence is to catch ourselves doing great things rather than things we don’t like about ourselves. For example, we may be trying to become neater and then have started successfully keeping clothes off the floor. If we stop and appreciate our selves for accomplishing something we wanted to accomplish, this can definitely lead to more of the same behavior and an increase in self-confidence.