How can I Learn to Appreciate what I Have in Life?

No matter our exact situation in life, we all face disappointment and pit falls at some point. During these periods of adversity, we may get so caught up in these negative situations that we find our selves not appreciating the more positive aspects of our lives. Yet, if you don’t make a conscious effort to appreciate what you have, it’s often all too easy to focus on what you don’t have and that can turn into a sense of self-complacency rather than a feeling of self-empowerment. Try to focus on the positive things in life and show your gratitude for what you do have rather than what you don’t.

Appreciating what you have in your life can empower you because you can focus on all of the things you’ve done to get as far as you have. For example, if you realize that you have a roof over your head despite the fact that you’re not yet living in the home of your dreams, you can see not only how far you have to go to get your dream, but appreciate how far you’ve come. You can appreciate what you’ve earned for yourself already, and believe in your own ability to be able to achieve the next level, and the next, until you get what you really want. Try to recognize the difference between situations and actions you can control and those you can’t.

Showing gratitude is another way to appreciate what you have. If you’re truly thankful for what you have, it helps you to appreciate it more. No matter how difficult a day is, for example, we can be grateful that we are here to have that day. If everything seems to be going wrong, but we are basically healthy, we can be grateful for our health.

Even when we’re sick, we can appreciate the small things. Many people don’t take time to appreciate the beauty of nature, for example. Taking time to walk in your neighborhood can not only help you appreciate things about it that you may have never noticed before, but the walk can also give you some needed exercise and fresh air as well.

You can make a point to think about the small everyday things that you like. This can be as simple as the smell of your laundry detergent, or the way the new throw pillow you made or bought for your couch looks. You may be far from having everything you want in your life, but by appreciating what you have now, you can be happier while you’re working on achieving the rest of your dreams.