How can I Make Healthier Versions of Favorite Recipes?

It is certainly possible to make healthier versions of favorite recipes that still leave the flavor intact. The idea should be to make a few healthy changes that aren’t likely to radically affect the outcome of the old favorite. For example, when making a lower fat version of macaroni and cheese usually made with only full fat cheddar, use that cheese but try replacing two thirds of it with lower fat cheeses such as part-skim mozzarella and reduced fat Swiss. A dash of freshly ground pepper may also help improve the flavor. Some experimentation in adjusting the recipes is needed, but reducing one or more of the fat, sugar, salt and calories in classic dishes can result in much healthier versions of favorite recipes.


Reducing non-nutritious or empty calories is one of the easiest ways to create healthier versions of favorite recipes. By substituting whole wheat lasagna noodles for regular ones, you can improve the nutrition of the dish by providing fiber and nutrients not found in noodles made with refined white or enriched flour. Of course, eating smaller portion sizes of a favorite dish is a great way to leave a favorite recipe as is and still enjoy it without consuming an excess of less nutritious foods. A large serving of low calorie vegetables along with the smaller portion of your favorite dish can help make it more satisfying as well as more nutritious.


Eating too much salt is often linked to high blood pressure. Either eat much smaller portions of salty favorites, or try switching the salt shaker for the pepper mill. Freshly ground pepper can add interest and flavor to many foods. Substituting herbs for some of the salt in dishes is another way to make healthier versions of favorite recipes. Some recipes may not even need any salt to taste great!


Some homemade tomato-based pasta sauces may call for sugar to be added. If the amount of sugar you use is high, some or all of it could be replaced with herbs. Applesauce is another food that can be delicious without sugar. Unsweetened applesauce with a few toasted pecans or walnuts on top can make a great nutritious snack or even a light dessert. Plus, applesauce and/or fruit juice can be substituted for some or even all of the sugar in many home-baked goods such as cookies, muffins and cakes.


Dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, milk and sour cream can often be used in lower fat varieties to help create healthier versions of favorite recipes. Fish and chicken can be baked in the oven with coatings made from whole wheat breadcrumbs as an alternative to coating with batter and frying. Substituting ground turkey for the ground beef in favorite recipes is another way to cut saturated fat. Using a drizzle of olive oil rather than butter also cuts saturated fat. Some people prefer using non-stick frying pans to adding any fat to the pan.