How can I Manage Hypoglycemia in Pregnancy?

There are a number of ways you can manage hypoglycemia in pregnancy. Most research concludes that eating smaller meals throughout the day rather than three large meals will help keep glucose levels normal. In addition, you may want to use a glucose-testing meter to help monitor your levels. These devices can be obtained through your physician or at most drug stores. The symptoms of hypoglycemia in pregnancy are not considered very different from other types of diabetes, and its management is much the same.

Getting plenty of rest not only makes you feel better, but it may be a factor in managing hypoglycemia in pregnancy. Rest and relaxation are both believed to aid in digestion, and good digestion may play a role in how your body metabolizes sugar and proteins. Exercise can be your enemy or your friend if you happen to suffer from hypoglycemia in pregnancy. Sometimes, vigorous exercise can actually make the condition worse, so you should consult with your doctor before incorporating any exercise routine into your daily activities.

Diet is an important aspect of managing diabetes. If your doctor determines that you suffer from hypoglycemia in pregnancy, he will likely recommend a nutrition program for you to follow. Typically, diets designed to address blood sugar levels will be well rounded, and include the daily recommended amounts of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

You should stay in tune with your own biological rhythms and be ready to react. By paying close attention to how you feel, you may be able to tell when your blood sugar levels are dropping. You should probably keep healthy snacks such as apples and nuts readily available. Sometimes by having a quick snack, you might be able to normalize your blood sugar level before it gets out of hand.

Hypoglycemia during pregnancy can be a serious condition that can pose risks to both yourself and your baby. Babies born to mothers who suffer from this condition are often overweight and may have respiratory problems. There also may be a link between hypoglycemia during pregnancy and premature birth.

To help minimize the risk of developing hypoglycemia during pregnancy, you should probably take a few common sense steps. One of the most important things you can do is to try to keep your weight gain within the healthy range. The amount of weight women gain during pregnancy can vary greatly, so you should check with your doctor to determine what would be a healthy weight for you. Excess weight gain during pregnancy can sometimes lead to hypoglycemia, difficult deliveries, and elevated blood pressure.