How can I Minimize Morning Sickness?

Morning sickness occurs with degrees of severity in pregnant women. Though it is typically experienced most in the first trimester, it can persist throughout a pregnancy, causing nausea or vomiting. Feeling nauseous when pregnant is not limited to the morning as the name “morning sickness” implies. Many women do find they are more nauseous or physically sick just after getting up from bed, but that during any time of the day, certain smells or the tastes of certain foods can trigger tummy troubles.

To minimize morning sickness do not use any prescription medications or over the counter anti-nausea medications unless you do so under the guidance of your doctor. These may create problems in the development of your unborn child and their benefits need to be weighed against the risks of using them. Yet if you have violent and frequent vomiting, you should definitely discuss this with a doctor. Some women seem to be particularly prone to very aggressive forms of morning sickness and require medical treatment so they remain healthy and have proper nutrition while pregnant.

There are a few things that can help minimize mild nausea. First, don’t rise from your bed without eating a few crackers or pretzels in the morning. It’s best to keep a stash by your bed. If you can drink a little milk, and have a willing helper, have someone bring you a glass of milk in the morning before you get out of bed. Since the nutritional needs of a pregnant woman change during pregnancy, it is thought that low blood sugar after several hours of sleeping and fasting can make morning sickness worse.

It can help to have a light snack prior to sleeping. Keep the snack light, as too much food at night can translate to morning sickness the next day, or indigestion during the night. A couple of crackers or pretzels tend to suffice, with perhaps a glass of milk or a small yogurt.

You may also minimize morning sickness with ginger. Some suggest ginger ale, but really, even a scant amount of ginger in a cup of hot water can quell nausea. Further, don’t try to eat foods that make you feel sick. Some doctors theorize that pregnant women are particularly sensitive to the toxins in foods during pregnancy. If something is making you nauseous, and this can range tremendously, don’t try to eat it or you’re likely to get sick. When you can, ask others in the household to help you by not preparing foods that make you feel ill. For instance, if the smell of coffee causes nausea or vomiting, ask a spouse to switch to tea, cocoa or instant coffee.

The primary reason women get sick is because of the additional levels of hormones, specifically estrogen, in the body when they are pregnant. Some women seem to have a greater adverse reaction to this than others, and women who’ve been very ill with one pregnancy, may have subsequent pregnancies without much illness. Generally, women get used to the hormones after a couple of months and find that most morning sickness symptoms dissipate.