How can I Prepare to Go to a Tanning Salon?

There are several things to consider as you prepare to go to a tanning salon. Steps taken before you tan can improve your satisfaction with the effects after visiting a salon. However, it is important to state that using a tanning salon is not without risk.

Before you go, you need to consider your family history in regards to skin cancer. If you are light-skinned, have more than 100 moles, or have a family history of skin cancer, it is better not to use a tanning salon. The tanning process will expose you to the same UV rays as the sun, and does increase your chance of developing skin cancer. You can achieve a tanned look with spray on tans offered more and more frequently at salons.

You may also want to consider any medications you take as you prepare to go to a tanning salon. Some prescriptions can cause photosensitivity, a condition that makes you more likely to burn in the sun or tanning bed. Photosensitivity may also cause rashes after sun or tanning bed exposure. Certain antibiotics and other drugs can cause this effect, so you should consult with your doctor before you go to a tanning salon.

Once you have the all clear to tan, you need to take a few more steps. Several weeks before you tan, you should start gently exfoliating the skin each day. This means scrubbing off the dead layers of skin, and can be accomplished through a number of exfoliant creams or through bath puffs, which are little puffs made of nylon mesh.

You should exfoliate your skin the day you plan to go to the tanning salon, but it is important that this process is gentle and does not scrape or scratch the skin. By following a daily exfoliation regimen during your shower or bath, you can better prepare to go to a tanning salon, because the UV rays will be able to reach the newest skin, thus providing an even tan.

As well as exfoliation, you should also be moisturizing your skin on a daily basis. The day that you go to the salon, use a good moisturizer on your skin, everywhere you plan to tan. However, be certain that the moisturizer does not contain sunscreen as this will block some of the UV rays and make time spent in the tanning bed less effective.

As you prepare to go to a tanning salon, don’t apply any products like astringents that contain alcohol. This will dry the skin and make it less able to tan. Dry skin often reflects UV rays.

You may also want to find out the number of times you will need to use a tanning salon before obtaining the desired results. In all cases, don’t expect an instant tan. The skin will gradually darken over a number of days. Those with lighter skin will likely need more visits to a salon to achieve a deep tan.