How can I Prevent Bug Bites?

Preventing bug bites can be important, since insects are frequently vectors for disease. In particular, certain mosquitoes spread West Nile Virus, and some ticks are responsible for humans contracting Lyme disease. The Black Plague of the Middle Ages was caused by bites from fleas infesting rats carrying the disease. Not all bug bites will cause serious illness. In fact, most do not cause anything but discomfort and itchiness. However, safety dictates focusing on prevention to eliminate possible exposure to troubling illnesses.

The first line of defense against bug bites is to make certain one’s house is not harboring insects. Windows should not be opened if they are unscreened, and screens should be in good repair. Even small tears in screens can allow most small bugs to enter, increasing one’s chances of getting bug bites. Improperly fitting screens can also allow bug entry.

Dogs and cats should be given both flea and tick treatments, which have come a long way since early powders and sprays. Topical spot flea killers and oral flea and tick killers are available from most veterinarians. These products may require a once-a-month application, but will help keep your pet from becoming riddled with bug bites, and will thus also protect the human residents of the home. These products are considered safe to use around children, and pets are usually safe to be held and petted within a few hours after the application has dried.

Eliminating any areas around the house that could harbor mosquitoes can also reduce the chance of bug bites. Mosquitoes commonly breed in standing water. Homeowners often don’t realize they have standing water in their yards. Look under plants, and any outdoor shelving to be sure no standing water exists. If one has man made ponds, one should introduce mosquito-eating fish to reduce bug population.

Even with prevention, one will still encounter bugs both outside and inside of one’s home. Bugs like mosquitoes are most often encountered just before sunrise and just after sunset. If possible, one should avoid outdoor activities during this time to reduce bug bites. If one does plan activities during these times, and many do as they are often the most pleasant hours of summer days, then one should wear protective clothing. Thick shirts with long sleeves, and long pants can help reduce mosquito bug bites.

Even thick clothing is often not enough of a preventative in bug bites. Some mosquitoes can drill right through clothing. In these cases, and for any outdoor activities, the use of DEET insect repellent is highly recommended. DEET is toxic, and should be used with caution on small children. However, risk frequently outweighs benefits, since younger children are particularly prone to more severe cases of West Nile Virus caused by bug bites.

One should wear long, light colored pants, as well as deep woods DEET when walking through heavy grasses. People are most susceptible to bug bites from ticks both in high grass and under trees. Ticks are often quite small, and one may not initially notice them. It is a good idea to check the cuffs of pants, socks and any other loose points of clothing for ticks that might potentially bite. Also check the body for attached ticks. Attached ticks should be removed carefully and sent to a lab to rule out Lyme disease.

It is impossible to prevent all bug bites, but observing the above recommendations may reduce the number of bug bites one gets. If one has bug bites that become intensely swollen or exhibit pus, one should bring these bites to the attention of a physician as they may indicate allergy or infection.