How Common is Bleeding from Endometriosis?

Bleeding is a common symptom of endometriosis. In fact, it is one of the most common symptoms a woman may suffer when she has this condition. A woman with endometriosis may have extremely heavy bleeding during her menstrual period or may bleed in between periods. When a woman has this condition, tissues that are similar to the uterine lining develop outside the uterus. These tissues may contribute to abnormal bleeding from not only the vagina, but also the rectum in some cases.

Endometriosis has unpleasant and sometimes uncomfortable symptoms. For reasons that aren’t 100-percent clear, women with this condition have tissues that resemble the uterine lining tissues outside of the uterus. This tissue may form on a woman’s other reproductive organs, on the lining of the pelvic cavity, and even on organs that are not a part of the reproductive system. The result may be heavy or irregular bleeding, infertility, and pain.

Much of the bleeding from endometriosis develops in relation to a woman’s menstrual period. In many cases, for example, a woman with this condition will have bleeding or spotting before her period starts. Then, she may have bleeding that is heavier than normal during her period. In some cases, she will experience pain and cramping during or before her period that seems worse than a woman would expect as part of a normal menstrual cycle.

While bleeding from endometriosis is often related to a woman’s menstrual cycle, that is not always the case. Sometimes the bleeding from endometriosis occurs because endometrial tissues have attached to an organ and caused irritation. For example, if endometrial tissues form on a woman’s large intestine, she may experience rectal bleeding when she has her period as well as such symptoms as abdominal pain, difficulty producing a bowel movement, and diarrhea. If the endometrial tissue attaches to the bladder instead, she may notice blood in her urine as well as pain when she urinates.

Another cause of bleeding from endometriosis may involve a woman’s ovaries. In some cases, endometrial tissue may penetrate a woman’s ovaries and cause a mass of blood to form. When the mass ruptures, a woman may experience both bleeding and pain.

The treatments prescribed for endometriosis typically depend on the severity of a woman’s symptoms and any future plans she has for pregnancy. Medications may be used in some cases. Surgery may be used in severe cases or when complications develop because of the condition.