How Do I Bake Filet Mignon?

Filet mignon is widely regarded as one of the finest cuts of beef, known for its tenderness and rich flavor. While most people opt to grill or pan-sear filet mignon, baking this delectable steak can also yield fantastic results. In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through every step of baking filet mignon to perfection, ensuring a mouthwatering outcome that will leave your taste buds begging for more.

Before we delve into the actual cooking process, let’s gather all the necessary ingredients and equipment you will need:

– 4 filet mignon steaks, approximately 6 ounces each
– Olive oil (extra-virgin)
– Kosher salt
– Freshly ground black pepper
– Garlic cloves, minced
– Sprigs of fresh rosemary
– Sprigs of fresh thyme
– Butter (unsalted)
– Red wine (optional)

– Baking dish
– Meat thermometer
– Aluminum foil
– Tongs
– Oven mitts

Now, let’s proceed with the step-by-step process of baking filet mignon:

1. Preparation:
– Remove the filet mignon steaks from the refrigerator and allow them to come to room temperature for about 30 minutes. This will ensure even cooking.
– Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C). It’s essential to have a properly heated oven to achieve the desired level of doneness.

2. Seasoning:
– Gently pat dry the filet mignon steaks with paper towels to remove any excess moisture.
– Drizzle a little extra-virgin olive oil over each steak to enhance the flavor and prevent drying during the cooking process.
– Season both sides of the steaks generously with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper. The salt will help to draw out moisture, intensify the taste, and create a beautiful crust.

3. Searing (Optional):
– While not compulsory, searing the filet mignon before baking can add another layer of flavor and texture. If you choose to sear, heat a skillet over high heat and add a small amount of olive oil.
– Once the skillet is hot, carefully place each steak into the pan and sear for about 2 minutes on each side. This quick sear will create a lovely brown crust and seal in the juices.
– Remove the steaks from the skillet and proceed to the next step.

4. Flavor Enhancements:
– Mince a couple of garlic cloves and sprinkle them over the filet mignon steaks. The aromatic garlic will infuse the meat with a delightful taste.
– Lay sprigs of fresh rosemary and thyme on top of each steak. The herbs will impart a fragrant aroma and elevate the overall flavor profile.

5. Baking:
– Place the seasoned and flavored filet mignon steaks in a baking dish large enough to accommodate all of them without crowding.
– For medium-rare doneness, bake the steaks in the preheated oven for approximately 10-12 minutes. If you prefer a different level of doneness, adjust the baking time accordingly (see cooking time guide below).
– To ensure accurate cooking, use a meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the steak. For medium-rare, the internal temperature should read around 135°F (57°C).
– Once the desired temperature is reached, remove the steaks from the oven. Cover them loosely with aluminum foil and let them rest for about 5 minutes. This resting period allows the juices to redistribute evenly throughout the meat, resulting in a juicier final product.

Filet Mignon Baking Time Guide:
– Rare:

120-125°F (49-52°C) internal temperature, approximately 8-10 minutes.
– Medium-Rare:

130-135°F (54-57°C) internal temperature, approximately 10-12 minutes.
– Medium:

140-145°F (60-63°C) internal temperature, approximately 12-14 minutes.
– Medium-Well:

150-155°F (65-68°C) internal temperature, approximately 14-16 minutes.
– Well Done:

160°F (71°C) internal temperature, approximately 16-18 minutes.

6. Finishing Touch:
– While the filet mignon steaks are resting, take this opportunity to enhance the flavor further adding a pat of unsalted butter on each steak. The butter will melt over the meat, imparting a luscious richness.
– If desired, deglaze the baking dish pouring a small amount of red wine into it. Scrape any browned bits from the bottom of the dish, and simmer the liquid until it reduces slightly. This will create a flavorful jus to drizzle over the steaks before serving.

7. Presentation and Serving:
– Carefully transfer the baked filet mignon steaks onto serving plates using tongs. Be gentle to avoid losing any precious juices.
– Spoon some of the red wine jus over the steaks for added flavor and a visually appealing presentation.
– Filet mignon pairs wonderfully with a wide variety of accompaniments such as roasted potatoes, steamed vegetables, or a fresh green salad. Choose your favorite sides to complete the meal and complement the tender beef.

Now that you are armed with a detailed guide on baking filet mignon, it’s time to put your newfound knowledge into action. Impress your family and friends with perfectly cooked, melt-in-your-mouth steaks that showcase your culinary expertise. With the right ingredients, techniques, and a touch of love, baking filet mignon will become a culinary masterpiece in your repertoire.