You can learn the basics to become a brazier — a welder who specializes in metals with higher-than-average melting points — in high school, a two- or four-year college, a private trade school, an apprenticeship program, the military, or through on-the-job training. The length of welding technology classes varies according to the scope of the training. In the United States, for example, to become a brazier and obtain a welding license, you must be at least 18 years old, able to read and speak English, and show proof of passing the required tests; other countries have similar requirements. The most successful braziers have a strong interest in mechanics, excellent manual dexterity, good eyesight, a steady hand, and the ability to work in hot, dirty, and hazardous environments.
Welding technology programs can last up to two years and are often offered as part of after-school or weekend occupational training programs. Introduction to welding and metallurgy, pipe welding, and advanced brazing are some of the classes required to become a brazier, and they are similar to those taken at a trade school or technical college. In addition to oxy-fuel welding, plasma cutting, job safety, blueprint reading, and disaster response training, brazier trainees learn oxy-fuel welding, plasma cutting, job safety, and blueprint reading. The regulatory agency or professional association in the area where the school is located should certify the welding program.
Students may work as welders on the job during the day and attend classes at night to learn the brazier specialty through a union apprenticeship program. As part of the admissions process, applicants to a metalworking program may be required to pass an aptitude test and a physical examination. Apprenticeships are usually three or four years long. Apprentices are usually paid while they are learning.
In most areas, you must also demonstrate your brazing abilities to a certified and approved welder before becoming a brazier. You’ll need to distinguish between welds that are properly made and welds that are not in addition to demonstrating how to create correctly welded seams. You might also have to pass a written test. According to the American Welding Association, certification is voluntary in the United States, but it is required in some areas to obtain a welder’s license. You can go to your local licensing agency after passing your welding test and completing the application for a license, presenting any documentation of passing a welding test, and paying the licensing fee.