A chiropractic assistant assists a chiropractor with day-to-day tasks such as patient care, phone answering, and everything in between. One or more chiropractic assistants may work in a chiropractic facility, and those interested in working as such assistants should have a strong sense of teamwork and the ability to work well with others. Throughout the day, chiropractic assistants collaborate with doctors, other assistants, X-ray technicians, and family physicians.
Finding a reputable school to train as a chiropractic assistant is the first step. People who want to work as a chiropractic assistant can take a certification course offered many chiropractic schools or trade schools. These courses typically last 12 to 18 weeks and teach the necessary job skills. Higher education degrees in chiropractic assisting are also available, with completion times ranging from two to four years.
Those wishing to work as a chiropractic assistant in some areas must pass an exam or obtain a license to practice. Even if a license isn’t required, it can lead to more job opportunities and higher pay. If these things are required, students and potential applicants should check with their local health departments or trade organizations.
A person interested in becoming a chiropractic assistant should submit a resume or application to local chiropractic clinics or facilities after completing a solid education and training in anatomy, physiology, and examination techniques. If you need more assistance finding a job, contact a trade organization dedicated to chiropractic assistants. Students should tour local chiropractic offices to see if the atmosphere, ethics, and business practices align with their vision of the type of workplace they want to work in.
To become a chiropractic assistant, students should become familiar with all aspects of the job. By the time students start working in the field of chiropractic care, they should be comfortable with reception work, scheduling, client relations, fielding questions, and explaining what they do. An assistant should not only know what to do, but also be able to explain it to someone who is unfamiliar with the subject.