How Do I Become a CT Scan Technologist?

To become a CT scan technologist, also known as a computerized tomography technologist, a person must first complete a radiology program, then complete post-program clinical work, and then obtain CT scanning certification. Employers may have additional requirements for applicants in some cases. Following CT scanning certification, most certifying organizations and employers require continuing education.

To work as a CT scan technologist, you must complete a radiology program that is accredited. The majority of programs require applicants to have a high school diploma or a graduate equivalency diploma as a minimum requirement (GED). Chemistry, physics, math, and biology courses provide a strong foundation for CT scan technologist work.

When a person is ready to apply to a radiology program, she must first determine which program is best for her CT scan career objectives. There are certificate and associate degree programs available, with an associate’s degree being the industry standard. Technologists differ from technicians in that they are slightly more advanced, but they are also in charge of supervising the technicians. As a result, a bachelor’s degree program is ideal for an aspiring technologist, though an associate degree program can be completed and advanced with on-the-job experience.

A person who wants to become a CT scan technologist takes courses in patient safety, scanning methods and precautions, contrast agents, and software communications while in a radiology program. Anatomy, physiology, and radiation physics are among the other subjects covered. Students must complete clinical work in the final stage of the program, where they will learn skills such as equipment maintenance, patient positioning, and record acquisition and storage.

The next step is to become certified in radiography, nuclear medicine technology, radiation therapy, magnetic resonance imaging, or sonography after completing the radiology program. A person who wants to become a CT scan technologist can do so through her state’s major certifying radiology organization. The American Registry of Radiological Technologists is the most important organization in the United States (ARRT). Passing an exam that tests radiology skills and knowledge is required for certification.

The next major step in becoming a CT scan technologist is to gain work experience. Although not all jurisdictions require additional certification from CT-focused radiologists, many do, with clinical experience serving as the basis for CT scan technologist certification. For example, the ARRT considers initial registration to be primary certification, with CT scanning certification as a post-primary certification. CT scan technologists must pass an additional exam and provide documentation demonstrating that they have completed a specific number of CT procedures under the supervision of a board-certified radiologist within the previous two years. Some hospitals have programs in place to provide this training to people who have already completed their primary certification.

After obtaining CT scan certification, a person is free to work as a CT scan technologist in any location. The most common settings are hospitals and clinics, but positions in research institutions are also available. Employers have varying requirements for how much work experience technologists must have before applying, and many require additional medical certifications such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).