Hedge fund recruiters actively seek out qualified candidates for positions as analysts, brokers, and actuaries in hedge fund firms. A person who wants to work as a hedge fund recruiter should have prior experience as a general human resources (HR) representative or in a similar position. Recruiters must also have some understanding of the securities industry, which they can gain through experience or study.
Many hedge funds use staffing agencies to fill vacant positions. While some agencies work with companies in a variety of industries, hedge funds prefer to work with firms that specialize in hiring people in the financial sector. Some staffing firms hire people who have graduated from high school but have not attended college. Hedge funds may use these agents to fill low-level administrative positions. Recruiters who work with entry-level positions are usually required to complete some on-the-job training, which can last several weeks.
When compared to people who work in similar roles at banks and insurance companies, hedge fund brokers and analysts are fairly well compensated. Recruiters who find candidates for these positions usually have a bachelor’s degree in a subject like personnel management or human resources administration. In addition, someone interested in working for a hedge fund may need to spend several years gaining HR experience dealing with small businesses and filling entry-level positions.
In-house recruiters are employed some hedge funds, and these individuals typically have prior HR experience. Recruiters who have worked in the securities industry as salespeople, supervisors, or HR representatives are also preferred many financial firms. Because hedge funds’ investment strategies differ, each fund’s recruiters may be required to have some experience dealing with the specific types of securities that the fund holds. Anyone interested in working as a hedge fund recruiter must be able to recognize candidates with the necessary skills to fill various positions. As a result, hedge fund recruiters typically go through extensive training where they learn about various aspects of the industry.
Many hedge funds buy and sell securities listed on various stock exchanges around the world, and brokers are frequently required to speak a second language. As a result, someone interested in working as a hedge fund recruiter may need to have completed a college degree or a language training course in another language. Some staffing firms and hedge funds require recruiters to be able to communicate in multiple languages. Recruiters frequently have to conduct global searches to find qualified candidates when highly skilled positions become vacant. As a result, high-level recruiters must have language skills.