How Do I Become a Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor?

A substance abuse counselor works with people who are addicted to alcohol or drugs to help them overcome their addiction. The requirements for becoming a licensed substance abuse counselor vary state, but there are some common ones. To become a licensed substance abuse counselor, an individual must typically complete at least a bachelor’s degree, as well as pass the required state examinations and licensing requirements.

Although it is possible to work as a substance abuse counselor without a license, most states in the United States have a governing agency that oversees the licensing of qualified applicants who want to work as a licensed substance abuse counselor. The advantages of becoming licensed include the ability to obtain more lucrative employment, as well as jobs with additional responsibilities and opportunities for advancement. Each state sets its own licensing procedures, including requirements for education, training, and examinations.

A bachelor’s degree in psychology, social work, or a related field is usually required to become a licensed substance abuse counselor. Many aspiring substance abuse counselors decide to continue their education earning a master’s or doctoral degree. As a substance abuse counselor, the more education a person has, the more job opportunities he or she will have. Counselors in many hospitals and inpatient treatment facilities must have a master’s degree in a related field.

In order to become a licensed substance abuse counselor, many states require applicants to have a certain number of on-the-job training hours in addition to an educational requirement. Many students are able to secure an internship that will count toward the required hours while still in school or during school breaks. Working at a facility that works with people who have a substance abuse problem after graduation is another way to get the required on-the-job training hours and experience.

The final steps to becoming a licensed substance abuse counselor usually include passing a background check and passing a state examination. Most states require a thorough background check before issuing a license due to the sensitive nature of the job and the responsibility that comes with treating individuals with substance abuse problems. In most states, all applicants for a counseling license are required to take an examination.