How Do I Become a Mobile Architect?

Mobile technology encompasses all software and hardware that allows people to communicate with one another as well as store, access, and share information using handheld devices like cell phones and smartphones. Mobile architects are in charge of creating applications and programs that can be used on mobile devices, as well as integrating these applications into regular operations. The majority of people who work as mobile architects have a background in computer science and are able to apply this highly technical language to real-world business situations. A degree in computer science is almost always required to work as a mobile architect, and many employers prefer to hire mobile architects who also have graduate degrees. A person who wants to be a mobile architect should also plan on working for at least three years in a position that focuses on technology integration, with mobile technology as a primary focus.

It’s a good idea to consider which industry you’d like to work in early on in your career if you want to become a mobile architect. Mobile technology is used in a wide range of industries, and having experience developing applications in a specific field can help you demonstrate to employers that you are a skilled and knowledgeable professional. In some fields, such as finance, courses in relevant subjects may be required to learn how to incorporate mobile technology into real-world scenarios.

Almost always, at least three years of experience overseeing the integration of interactive technology into regular operations is required to become a mobile architect. Anyone interested in becoming a mobile architect should focus on gaining experience with mobile applications in particular. In most cases, assistant or junior architect positions must be first pursued before applying for higher-level positions and opportunities, such as project manager.

A person who wants to work as a mobile architect should prepare a resume that demonstrates his or her familiarity with common programming languages and operating systems in the field. A resume for a mobile architect should also include numerous examples of how a job candidate has successfully integrated mobile technology into projects in order to assist clients or colleagues who use mobile applications for data access and sharing. A mobile architect’s resume should also include examples of how the candidate communicates professionally in groups and manages projects and initiatives.