How do I Become a Paleontologist?

Paleontologists study animal and plant fossils to gain a better understanding of the world in the distant past. Given the significance of this research, it’s easy to assume that anyone can just go to a university and get a paleontology degree, but this isn’t the case. To become a paleontologist, people study fields such as zoology, geology, or biology. Those who are interested in this field should begin their studies as early as high school.

A student who wants to be a paleontologist in high school should plan to get excellent grades in all math and science courses. These foundational classes are required for college-level study. When possible, students should take advanced placement (AP) courses in the sciences and calculus, as these will allow them to skip some of the first-year college requirements and study at a higher level.

It’s not a bad idea to talk to some paleontologists in high school or college about the career and what it entails. Natural history museums or colleges are usually the best resources for this. A paleontologist, especially at a museum, might be willing to have a student helper for a few days, weeks, or months. This can assist people in deciding whether or not they want to pursue a career as a paleontologist.

With that goal in mind, the student will enroll in college, where he or she will most likely not major in paleontology but rather one of the other majors listed above. Students should consider what they would like to do as a paleontologist to determine which major appeals to them the most. Studies in zoology or biology, for example, are probably more appropriate if you’re interested in animal fossils. Students should look for programs that include paleontology as part of their major in all college programs at all levels of study.

There may be opportunities to do actual field work with professors or others while in college. People may take part in excavations or other types of work. These programs might be available during the summer to accommodate students’ schedules. Any available internships are well worth looking into for anyone interested in becoming a paleontologist, and participation may help with graduate school applications.

Some paleontology jobs are available to those with a bachelor’s degree, but many more are available to those with a master’s or doctorate degree. The majority of paleontologists have at least a master’s degree, and many have a PhD. Work with a bachelor’s degree is likely to be as an assistant to paleontologists with higher degrees. If people want to play a more active role in this field, they should consider going to graduate school. People will have likely established some level of reputation publishing or making contacts in the field the time they finish school, and they can begin this work in a variety of ways.