A production planner is a manufacturing professional who plans an organization’s production processes. By scheduling production staff, testing and approving production materials, addressing discrepancies, and improving processes for cost-effective production, these professionals are involved with the entire manufacturing process to ensure quality and profitability for an organization. You’ll need some form of higher education, on-the-job experience, certification, and familiarity with job-specific computer programs to work as a production planner. If a candidate has the necessary education and understands production systems and processes, most employers will be willing to hire them for a production planner position with little or no experience.
To prepare for a career as a production planner, you can enroll in a variety of post-secondary educational programs such as industrial distribution, supply chain management, or logistics. Although there are no specific educational requirements for these jobs, those with a bachelor’s degree in a manufacturing or logistics-related field will have more opportunities. In some cases, pursuing a post-graduate degree may be advantageous to help round out your resume.
While pursuing your degree, part-time or full-time work in a manufacturing or production environment can provide you with valuable experience. Employers are more likely to hire you if you are pursuing your education in manufacturing. Many occupations, such as assemblers, production workers, sorters, packers, or shippers, require little or no prior experience, and employers are more likely to hire you if you are pursuing your education in manufacturing. Finding a job in a manufacturing environment will provide you with practical experience and help you understand the manufacturing process. You can also apply for internal job openings at your current employer to become a production planner.
You should familiarize yourself with one or more materials requirement planning (MRP) systems. These software systems are used by almost all manufacturing companies to organize production and inventory. This system is an important tool for production planning and the overall manufacturing process, and it can help you improve your skills as a production planner. Most manufacturing and production-related education programs will include coursework on these systems as well.
The Association for Operations Management (APICS) is a reputable organization that offers several production and inventory management certifications. Certification will usually improve your chances of becoming a production planner and provide you with valuable insight into production best practices. Other manufacturing jobs you’ll learn about include production scheduler, production controller, expediter, and production manager.
Examine production planner jobs on the Internet as part of your education and training. This can give you a general idea of what these occupations entail and assist you in understanding current industry trends. While you are pursuing your education and training, you may be able to find internships or current job opportunities in this industry that are suitable for you. Understanding the responsibilities and duties associated with these jobs may also impress a potential employer.