How Do I Become a Quantity Surveyor?

A quantity surveyor is a building and construction professional who is in charge of cost analysis and budgeting for construction projects. He or she may also be in charge of contract negotiations as well as risk management. To work as a quantity surveyor, you’ll need to be good at math and critical thinking. Many aspiring quantity surveyors focus on subjects like architecture or construction management, though a business concentration can also be beneficial.

Taking internships while studying to become a quantity surveyor can help you gain valuable experience. Working for a construction company, a real estate agent, or a cost analysis consulting firm allows you to gain firsthand experience with real-world practices. If you impress your internship supervisor, you may receive a favorable reference. Some interns even find that their first jobs after graduating from college are with the companies where they interned.

A person who wants to work as a quantity surveyor in some areas should look into professional certification options. Before surveyors can legally practice, some governments require them to complete approved courses and pass proficiency exams. This is a way to make sure surveyors are familiar with the rules and regulations.

Although some types of certification are not required by law, a person who wants to work as a quantity surveyor may benefit from obtaining them. Being a member of a professional organization can provide you with access to educational opportunities such as courses, seminars, and informational resources. Attending professional gatherings allows you to network with your coworkers.

This type of professional can work for a firm or as an independent agent. You must first decide which career path is best for you in order to become a quantity surveyor. Individuals who prefer to work on smaller projects with their own set of rules may prefer to work alone. Working for a firm, on the other hand, can provide you with more job security and advancement opportunities.

Regardless of which path you take, you should maintain a network of contacts and seek out professionals who will write you letters of recommendation. A quantity surveyor is a professional who oversees the cost of a project from start to finish. As a result, construction professionals only hire quantity surveyors they can trust because they have years of experience and have demonstrated that their methods work. Colleagues and past clients can provide references to help you demonstrate your professional reputation.