How do I Become a Shift Supervisor?

Shift supervisors can be found in a variety of organizations. Supervisors in this category may work in a variety of settings, including manufacturing plants, hospitals, and hotels, among others. While different shift supervisor positions require different qualifications that are directly related to the employer’s business model, anyone interested in becoming this type of supervisor must possess a few basic characteristics.

Because many companies promote from within, if you are already a part of the organization, you will have a better chance of being promoted to a supervisory position. Because you have a track record with the company, you can bring all of your current knowledge of the company’s policies, procedures, and goals to the table. This can give you an advantage over someone outside the company, because they will lack your level of knowledge and experience with the company.

However, simply working for the company does not guarantee that you will be promoted to shift supervisor. Whether or not you are considered for promotion to this type of position is heavily influenced by how you have handled your current job responsibilities. Even if they’ve been with the company for years, employees who are frequently absent or have disciplinary issues are unlikely to be considered.

If you truly want to be a shift supervisor, you must have the characteristics that distinguish you as a capable leader. This requires you to be well-organized, pay close attention to detail, act quickly when necessary, and work well with others. Supervisors must also be able to make and stick to decisions, even when they are difficult to make. This can include counseling a disgruntled employee or taking disciplinary action, up to and including termination, if necessary.

Shift supervisors report to department heads in many organizations. To become a shift supervisor, you must not only demonstrate the ability to effectively lead the employees under your supervision, but also the ability to work closely and effectively with your immediate superior within the company framework. You must lead with apparent ease while also following with the same level of expertise as part of the team with immediate responsibility for the efficient operation of the production process.

When you decide that you want to be a shift supervisor, you should start preparing well before a job opening becomes available. Learn everything you can about the supervisor description and the role of supervisors in the company. Make a supervisor resume that highlights your skills and knowledge in relation to the job description. Participate in committees and other special events where company managers and overseers can see you demonstrate what they consider supervisory abilities.

Keep in mind that becoming a shift supervisor can take years. However, if you plan ahead of time for the possibility, your name is likely to be on the short list for promotion. If this is the case, the company may decide that it will never need to hire someone from outside the company to fill a vacant shift supervisor position.