How Do I Become a Team Physician?

In most cases, becoming a team physician requires a medical degree, a specialty in sports medicine or sports-related injuries, and years of experience. Of course, specific requirements vary team, but becoming a team physician right out of medical school is not always possible. Most teams hire well-known doctors who can lend their expertise and provide top-notch treatment to players.

Nonetheless, there are some steps you can take to improve your chances of succeeding in the field. Your credentials and pedigree will be extremely important, especially for professional sports teams. The more prestigious your medical school, the more likely your resume will be noticed.

Being a team physician for a local or high school team is usually a lot easier than being a team physician for a professional sports organization. Many smaller organizations are willing to hire doctors who have a passion for sports injuries, even if they lack experience. Look into local or smaller-scale opportunities if you simply want to help athletes without the prestige of working for a nationally or internationally recognized team. Working with small groups is rarely a stepping stone to working with larger groups, though it can be in some cases.

Your medical education is crucial, regardless of your goals. In medical school, concentrate on orthopedics, sports medicine, and injury rehabilitation. When you work as a team physician, you’ll be in charge of a wide range of patient problems. Many of them will be related to bones and muscles, which is where orthopedics comes in. Sports medicine courses will teach you how to treat a variety of other player ailments. There are no set requirements for team physicians, but a diverse education is always a plus.

Surgery is usually a good foundation for a career as a team physician. Having the detailed and precise knowledge of a surgeon will help you in your career, even if you are unlikely to perform surgery once you become a team physician. Surgical training is common among the world’s top team doctors. This enhances their status while also assisting them in their work.

Before you start looking for team physician jobs, you will almost always need to establish your professional reputation, regardless of your field of specialization. Teams usually seek out doctors who have a successful sports medicine practice. Team physicians, in most cases, do a lot more than just look after the players. They also contribute to the team’s quality and are frequently used as a spokesperson for the players’ health in press releases, news reports, and press conferences.

Doctors who have worked in sports medicine and want to work as team physicians frequently join professional organizations to network with hiring managers and team representatives. Sports injury and rehabilitation are represented societies or divisions in almost all medical boards and licensing bodies. These organizations host conferences and educational seminars for their members, as well as provide networking opportunities. Joining a sports-related organization is a great way to get involved in the industry, especially if you’re just starting out.