How do I Become a Wardrobe Stylist?

For someone who wants to work as a wardrobe stylist, there are several options. Wardrobe stylists work with people who work in the public eye, such as politicians, real estate agents, and so on, to put together wardrobes for their clients, who are usually celebrities. A wardrobe stylist, in addition to assisting people in the creation of wardrobes, also styles clients for specific appearances such as photo shoots and interviews, selecting appropriate garments for the occasion and creating a look that fits the client’s desired image.

A good eye for fashion and overall good taste are essential for someone who wants to work as a wardrobe stylist. The foundation has already been laid by someone with a good sense of style. It can help to have a distinct or quirky appearance that stands out, as well as the ability to create a wide range of looks, from the most conservative and simple to the most outrageous.

Some people learn how to be a wardrobe stylist by shadowing an experienced stylist. Although not all wardrobe stylists offer apprenticeships, some are willing to hire an assistant and provide guidance and training. Working in a wardrobe or costume department in a film or television production can also be beneficial in terms of familiarizing oneself with clothing and styles, though it is by no means required.

It is also possible to enroll in college-level fashion and design classes in order to obtain the necessary training to work as a wardrobe stylist. In this case, studying at home, keeping up with fashion magazines, staying on top of the latest trends, watching fashion-related programming on television, and so on are all beneficial. Because a wardrobe stylist also serves as a personal shopper and image consultant, some people find that practicing with friends can help them prepare for important events such as job interviews and first dates.

Wardrobe stylists can advertise their services to attract customers or try to make connections at events where potential customers may be present. Many wardrobe stylists work as freelancers, which means their schedules are often unpredictable. Some are hired on an hourly basis, while others demand a daily rate, and in some cases, a wardrobe stylist may be kept on retainer, meaning they are paid a flat fee to be available for a specific period of time. When it comes to job negotiations, someone who wants to work as a wardrobe stylist should make sure to include transportation, meals, and lodging as needed.

It is also possible to become a member of an agency. The disadvantage of working for an agency is that a wardrobe stylist will earn less money and may not be able to form long-term client relationships. The benefit is that you already have a client base, which means you’ll have steady work. The agency’s employees also handle business-related negotiations, allowing the wardrobe stylist to focus on shopping for clients, meeting with clients, and putting together a desired look.