A high school diploma is required to work as an exterminator. To work as an exterminator, you may need a license or certification. A combination of classroom training and on-the-job experience is usually required to obtain a license or certification. Initial exterminator training usually lasts three months. Some states may allow you to work as an apprentice instead of completing training before taking the exterminator license exam. You will take an exam after the training.
You will be qualified to work as a pest control technician, which is an entry-level exterminator position, if you pass the exam. You won’t be able to use all pesticides as a technician, and you’ll be limited to a certain amount. You can advance to become an applicator, fumigator, or supervisor after a few more months or years of work and training.
You must learn how to kill and remove pests such as mice, rats, and ants without harming humans or pets before you can become an exterminator. This is usually covered in an exterminator technician’s initial training. You’ll also learn about your state’s specific pest-removal and pesticide-use laws. You’ll need to know how to apply the appropriate warning labels as a fumigator or exterminator who uses restricted pesticides to avoid accidental exposure.
Before you can become an exterminator, you must possess certain abilities. You should be able to communicate with your customers as an exterminator so that you can understand their problems. You should be able to describe the methods you’ll use to kill or remove the pests, as well as any potential hazards.
You must be physically fit and in good health to work as an exterminator. Crawling into a crawlspace or climbing the stairs to a hot attic are examples of jobs that can be unpleasant. You should have a clean driving record because you may be required to drive the company truck or van.
Pests are more prevalent in areas with hot or warm weather, so your chances of finding a job as an exterminator may be better if you live in a warm climate. While many exterminators begin their careers working for a larger company, after a few years of experience, a few go on to start their own businesses. A few may advance to administrative positions within a company, though most of these positions require a college diploma.