How do I Care for a Jenday Conure?

According to many bird care experts, a jenday conure can require daily care. The small parrots may need specialized food pellets to make up the majority of their food intake along with a variety of diced fresh fruit, raisins or dark green vegetables. The jenday conure’s water should be changed every day as well to ensure a fresh supply and it is necessary for the bird’s health to clean its cage and replace the cage liners weekly. The birds also seem to do best when they have several perches of different levels in their cage for exercise and clean, soft cloth in which to nest and sleep.

There are several things to consider before taking on the responsibility of keeping a jenday conure as a pet. They are thought to be naturally inquisitive and social animals that like to interact with humans. There should be enough time in an owner’s day to provide the jenday conure with the attention it may need to thrive. The birds can also need time to stretch their wings and explore their surroundings outside of a cage, so a large and safe space needs to be available. A jenday conure can live as long as 20 years, so individuals should be willing to commit to the bird’s care for a long time.

Owners should give a jenday conure only chlorine-free water and never include fruit seeds in its meal supply, as both may cause severe digestive problems. Make sure to place food and water away from the perches to avoid contamination by droppings. You can place a grate over the cage liner to keep the bird’s feet away from the droppings, but use of non-stick cooking racks should be avoided for that purpose, as they can release small amounts of chemical fumes harmful to the jenday conure’s nervous system. Jenday conures also like textures they can chew on, so keeping lots of toys in the cage can help satisfy that need.

Chlamydiosis and polyoma virus are two types of diseases a jenday conure can develop, and both require immediate medical care. The symptoms of chlamydiosis are weight loss and fluid coming from the beak. Polyoma virus symptoms include rapid weight loss and sleeping too much or lethargy. If the bird loses weight suddenly, immediately take it to a veterinarian. Diarrhea may be a symptom of intestinal parasites or too much fruit in the diet.