How Do I Choose the Best Art Deco Dresser?

Choosing the best art deco dresser involves thinking about the overall look of the room, as well as the qualities of the dresser itself. Since this type of furniture is a practical item that must be used to store clothes, it is essential that the dresser is not only aesthetically attractive but also functional. Art deco designs are quite varied, and many reproductions are as attractive as original patterns. When choosing an art deco dresser, think about the characteristic of art deco design and look at traditional articles of art deco furniture in order to come up with narrow design requirements to make shopping easier.

Many people who wish to choose an art deco dresser are looking for a dresser that conforms to the traditional strong motifs of art deco design. Art deco is characterized by the use of silver metals, geometric curves, and sunburst motifs, which makes this type of design very unique and eye-catching. In reality, many art deco dressers available today are very similar to modern dressers and involve simple drawer pulls and strong lines. It is, of course, possible to find a more elaborate art deco dresser, but these are often much more expensive and may not even be authentic.

An art deco dresser can be made from various materials, but wood is the most common. Accents are commonly made of silver, and wood inlay may be used to decorate the dresser. It may be best to choose art deco dressers made in a factory, as wood items that are inlaid by hand can be extremely expensive. Vintage art deco dressers are also popular and may be considered more authentic.

Choosing a specific art deco dresser required thinking about the space in which the dresser will fit. A beautiful dresser is no good if it does not fit well in a room. Size, of course, is a consideration, but matching with other furniture elements is important as well. If one chooses a unique design, such as an art deco mirrored dresser, one may need to choose other furniture elements that are muted in order to create cohesion in the bedroom set.

The best vintage art deco dresser may not be the most elaborate or the most beautiful, but rather the best preserved. When choosing vintage dressers, one often runs the risk of dealing with sticky drawers or scratched surfaces. Cost is another factor that must be considered when choosing furniture in this design. Many art deco items are very expensive and may not hold up to regular use. Thinking about what type of investment makes the most sense in an individual case is the best way to choose the perfect art deco dresser for one’s needs.